The Mill Valley Film Festival has always been non-competitive. There is no Palme d’Or, no Grand Jury Prize, no governing body looming, judging, and decreeing what is good and bad. The upshot of this deliberate choice is that there is no cloud of antagonism or rivalry hanging over the proceedings. Every film is as important as every other. Every filmmaker is a star. Quality is paramount.
Our intent at MVFF is to let the films stand on their own, free of studio influence, advertising, and award campaigning. The local filmmaker you meet in the grocery store shares equal footing with past and future Oscar winners. We like to believe that this approach creates a more relaxed, inviting, filmmaker-friendly atmosphere.
In addition to allowing our schedule of films to speak for themselves, we invite our festival attendees to use their voices, as well. Moviegoers vote after each screening, while the immediate impact of the film is still resonating in their hearts.
The MVFF Audience Awards represent the people’s choice favorites at the festival. The overall prizewinner scored highest across all categories. Other winners scored top in each of the festival’s sections: US Cinema, World Cinema, Valley of the Docs and Children’s FilmFest, as well as specialty categories. The film is listed with its director.
Without further ado…